Matthew W.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
Adams State College - Bachelors, Finance
My passion for teaching has come to my attention recently, and it has become something that I would find great joy in pursuing. It has been a career change, of sorts, for me to go from the business world to that of the education arena, but it is one that I have greatly enjoyed thus far. I really enjoy teaching young students, and seeing that excitement for learning grow, as well as their satisfaction when they understand the material. Speaking of passion, my passion for the business world has not totally left me. Talking, conversing, and educating others about topics in business is an area I find enjoyable as well. I also greatly enjoy athletics, especially football, with having played it for 13 years, and other athletics since the 4th grade, including wrestling, basketball, and track and field. Since my "retirement," I have tried to keep current and involved with athletics in some way. Hopefully, this will include coaching someday.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
25 miles at my regular hourly rate
Business world, athletics, football, wrestling, reading, various types of music, and superheroes. Since I am into athletics, I do enjoy exercising as well. Baking and cooking are also some hobbies I would enjoy pursuing further.
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