Hannah F.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
University of Colorado Boulder - Bachelors, Integrative Physiology , University of Colorado Denver - Current Grad Student, School of Dental Medicine
I'm currently attending the Colorado University Dental School, and I'm looking forward to a career as a pediatric dentist. I love working with children, and I'm getting experiences now as a teacher and tutor that I hope to be able to use in my practice. I have a solid science and math background, and I also enjoy Spanish and reading. I work with students of any age and level of ability, and I believe that I can learn from my students just like they learn from me. Relating to kids and helping them develop problem-solving skills is extremely gratifying. I can tutor algebra, calculus, biology, geometry, reading, statistics, as well as test preparation for the ACT, DAT, CLEP, and others. In my free time, I like to run, read, spend time with friends and family, and travel.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Running, hanging out with friends and family, reading, traveling to warm places!
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