Tameca L. C.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
Metropolitan State College of Denver - Bachelors, English (Writing) / Minor: Linguistics , Regis University - Masters, MFA in Writing
I am currently a professional writer of print media, including pieces published in literary magazines, as well as internet content, like blogs and pieces for news websites. I write some pieces under my name and often act as a ghostwriter, as well. Throughout my life, I have won many awards for my published poems, fiction, academic essays, and song writing. I earned a bachelor's degree in Writing at the Metropolitan State College of Denver several years ago. While in college, I took a writing tutor course, and there I learned the skills I need to tutor. Those skills included how to meet students where they are, how to be a good listener, and how to encourage students to ask questions. I also learned how to provide study materials for my students even when they are not currently working with me. I then worked as a tutor in the writing center of a local community college, and there I helped a wide variety of students to become stronger writers. I have also helped many people outside of the classroom, both current and aspiring professional writers, to gain confidence in their work and succeed in the writing business. I also volunteer at a nonprofit, writing-based workshop in Denver, where I help people become powerful writers and poets. I will soon begin the brand-new, low-residency MFA program at Regis University to further hone my skills in writing poetry and fiction.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
singing, writing, yoga, massage therapy, music, bicycling
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