John P.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
University of Colorado Denver - Bachelors, History
I am currently living in Denver, Colorado and I am attending the University of Colorado - Denver. I am majoring in history and teacher education in social studies. My goal is to acquire my bachelor's degree this upcoming spring. My other goal is to acquire my teacher's certification by spring of 2017. Once I receive my teacher's certification, I plan to teach professionally. I may even consider going for my master's if all goes as planned. I have experience tutoring undergrads. However, I do have a bit of experience working with younger students as well. Being that history is my passion, I tend to tutor history more than anything. The majority of students I work with all seem to think that history is dull. My goal is to change their view on the subject of history. I want my students to connect historical happenings to happenings that are currently going on in the modern world. I am currently offering my tutoring services in a number of subjects. When I am not working on my own academic career or tutoring, I can be found listening to music, collecting Batman comics, and watching poorly dubbed 70's kung fu flicks.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Sports, Music, Batman comics, and poorly dubbed Kung Fu movies from the 70's.
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