Jae E.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - BS, Geology , Colorado School of Mines - MSc, Geology
I earned my master's degree in Geology after attending the University of Wisconsin and the Colorado School of Mines. I am currently a research and exploration geologist with a vast amount of experience in the field. I have tutored students in a variety of courses, and I have taught numerous science courses at the undergraduate level, including physical geology, earth science, sedimentology and stratigraphy, senior capstone mineral deposits, and geologic processes.I work with students in many subjects, including chemistry, physical chemistry, writing, essay editing, grammar and mechanics, earth science, environmental science, physical science, public speaking, English, geology, and general science coursework. During my free time, I enjoy running, wakeboarding, playing video games, pole vaulting, cooking, listening to music, and photography.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Running, Wakeboarding, Video Games, Pole Vaulting, Rocks and Minerals, Cooking, Cars, Music, Photography
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