Daniel T.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
University of California Santa Barbara - BA, Biological Sciences , Regis University - MS, Biomedical Science
I have taken many science courses and can help in many scientific subjects. Building on my experience, I can help students build strategies that fit the style in which they learn. My ability to relate to just about any type of person helps too. I tutor biology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, cell biology, immunology, general science, literature, and essay editing.While an undergraduate at the University of California - Santa Barbara, I was a biology major and took the full range of medical courses. I am currently working on a Biomedical Science master's degree and my goal is to go to Physician Assistant School. I've attended Regis University as well in the past. In the meantime, I love helping people with their science based courses. Now living in Denver, Colorado, I really enjoy being outdoors. My favorite hobbies include skiing and snowboarding and I am also training to be in a triathlon.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Being outdoors, skiing, snowboarding, training for a triathlon, sciences.
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