Danielle W.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
Rider University - BA, Journalism , Loma Linda University - MSW, Social Work
After graduating college with my bachelor's degree in Journalism, Public Relations, and also Event Planning, I continued on to earn my master's in Social Work. When I was in college, I was a teacher's assistant and helped with young pupils in reading, writing, and mathematics. During graduate school, I assisted pupils in getting ready to write and also edit their entry for college essays. I also worked for an at risk youth group, and helped them with not only their school studies, but was also there for them emotionally as well. Right now I work as a medical social worker for a healthcare facility in Denver, and enjoy the wide array of people from all walks of life. I really like teaching English, Writing, Speech, and Psychology. I am a believer of higher learning and think that in order to truly reach your full potential in life, college is essential. This is something I really try to instill in the students I tutor. When I have free moments, I love working out and doing yoga, am an avid watcher of sports, hiking, and love to travel whenever I get the chance.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Yoga, Hiking, Sports
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