Tamas F.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
Metropolitan State University of Denver - BS, Modern Lang. GER/FRE
Hello. I am a graduate of Metropolitan State University in Denver, Colorado. My bachelor's degree is in Modern Language, with an emphasis in French and German. During my junior year, I studied at the University of Fribourg, which is in Fribourg, Switzerland. During my time at Fribourg, I taught German and English. I came back to the States and became a French tutor for a Boulder-based company. I also lived in Puerto Rico for some time. I was there to take my Spanish to the next level. I enjoyed that adventure! I can provide tutoring in many languages, including Spanish (through level 2), French (through level 4 and AP), German (through level 4 and AP), English (including English as Second Language), and even Hungarian. I pride myself on helping my students learn to teach themselves. With languages, it is all about knowing what to look for and how find it (e.g., words, conjugations, and rules) and then how to take that knowledge and appropriately apply it. That is a point I routinely and regularly make when I am tutoring. I currently live in Denver. Outside of the classroom, I like almost everything that is related to the arts - literature, music, and painting. I am passionate about all of it.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
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Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
Music, painting, and literature
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