David M.
Private tutor in Denver, CO
Middle Tennessee State University - BA, English
I love to help students who are struggling with their English homework and writing assignments. It has been very fulfilling for me as a tutor, and I love being able to watch my students grow and prosper. I honestly think that I learn as much from the students as they learn from me. I believe that learning is something that is lifelong, and doesn't stop even when we are finished with formal schooling. After I graduated from school, I worked in various positions, including human resources, real estate, corporate training, and writing articles. I have also led workshops on writing, which I enjoyed.I tutor students in Reading, Essay Editing, Phonics, Literature, Grammar and Mechanics, College Essays, Public Speaking, English, and Writing.I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University, where I earned my B.A. in English, with a concentration in American and British Literature.When I am not busy with work, I love to play different musical instruments, including the guitar and piano. I also like to go hiking, and do different workouts to maintain my fitness level. I love cars, audio engineering, and spending time in the great outdoors.
Weekdays at any time, Weekends at any time
Can Meet
Up to 30 minutes away at my regular hourly rate
musical instruments, hiking, fitness, audio engineering, sports, cars, the outdoors.
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